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Results for "keyword: "meditation""
The action of silence The action of silence
To stop and pay attention to what is happening To stop and pay attention to what is happening
When we sit down to meditate When we sit down to meditate
Leave your front door and your back door open Leave your front door and your back door open
Heart of Wisdom, Mind of Calm A wonderful collection of 58 guided meditations to nurture spiritual growth.
A Path with Heart Jack Kornfield with a meditation on who you truly are.
Becoming the Compassion Buddha Teachings on closing the door to negativity, overcoming distractions and sluggishness, and making ordinary actions divine by the emptiness of the mind.
A Soul's Journey Meditations on meaning and Judaism.
Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening A thoughtful exploration of this devotional practice and its rewards.
The Inner Experience Describes the rewards and riches of this Christian spiritual practice.